
Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Tea Time

Summer can be long and boring if you're 11 and your mom won't spend thousands of dollars every week taking you all over the metro area for various activities.  Our 11 year old decided to deal with this situation by hosting a tea party for her cousins.  She was given a very small food budget and access to the decorating stock.  Armed with her guidelines and provisions she went to town on her party prep.  Proud of her efforts!  Oddly enough the actual tea was cut from the budget!  :)

Reagan did most of the decor but I will admit to helping hang the tea cups!  

Every tea party should feature PBJ and Cheetos. 

The original plan was to have an American Girl tea party.... 

Sadly, the American Girls didn't make it very far past the door.  

And of course since this is Texas we had to follow up the fancy eating with Sundaes and Swimming. 

Proof that sisters really do love their brothers... the boys were allowed to join in on the Ice Cream.  

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